Scraper Implementation with Enum

TODO: collapasable, copyable, download, etc

In my Rust code, I have several Structs that implement Scraper

impl Scraper<HerokuIntegration> for HerokuScraper {
impl Scraper<ShopifyIntegration> for ShopifyScraper

In my code, I can create a scraper like this

let scraper = ShopifyScraper {}; scraper.base_url();

I want to move to an enum like

enum Marketplace {

so that I can do something like this instead

   let scaper: Scraper<T> = match cli.marketplace {
        Marketplace::Bubble => panic!("For - Please run js-crawl project"),
        Marketplace::Heroku => HerokuScraper {},
        Marketplace::Shopify => ShopifyScraper {},
        Marketplace::Vercel => VercelScraper {},
    };It seems like you want to use an enum to create a specific Scraper implementation based on the selected marketplace. To achieve this, you need to create an enum that holds the actual instances of the scraper implementations and implement the Scraper trait for the enum itself.

Here's a possible implementation:

pub enum ScraperInstance {
    // Vercel(VercelScraper),
    // Add other scraper variants here

impl<T: Integration> Scraper<T> for ScraperInstance {
    fn base_url(&self) -> String {
        match self {
            ScraperInstance::Heroku(scraper) => scraper.base_url(),
            ScraperInstance::Shopify(scraper) => scraper.base_url(),
            // ScraperInstance::Vercel(scraper) => scraper.base_url(),
            // Add other scraper match arms here

Now, you can create the appropriate scraper implementation based on the selected marketplace:

let scraper: ScraperInstance = match cli.marketplace {
    Marketplace::Bubble => panic!("For - Please run js-crawl project"),
    Marketplace::Heroku => ScraperInstance::Heroku(HerokuScraper {}),
    Marketplace::Shopify => ScraperInstance::Shopify(ShopifyScraper {}),
    Marketplace::Vercel => ScraperInstance::Vercel(VercelScraper {}),
    // Add other marketplace match arms here


This way, you can create a specific ScraperInstance that holds the actual scraper implementation based on the chosen marketplace.The impl<T: Integration> Scraper<T> for ScraperInstance { code seems like a lot of boilerplate. Is there any way to do this with less code?Yes, you can use a trait object to store different scraper implementations in the enum and reduce the boilerplate code. With this approach, you don't need to implement the Scraper trait for the enum.

Here's an example:

pub enum ScraperInstance {
    Heroku(Box<dyn Scraper<HerokuIntegration>>),
    Shopify(Box<dyn Scraper<ShopifyIntegration>>),
    // Vercel(Box<dyn Scraper<VercelIntegration>>),
    // Add other scraper variants here

Now, you can create the appropriate scraper implementation based on the selected marketplace:

let scraper: ScraperInstance = match cli.marketplace {
    Marketplace::Bubble => panic!("For - Please run js-crawl project"),
    Marketplace::Heroku => ScraperInstance::Heroku(Box::new(HerokuScraper {})),
    Marketplace::Shopify => ScraperInstance::Shopify(Box::new(ShopifyScraper {})),
    Marketplace::Vercel => ScraperInstance::Vercel(Box::new(VercelScraper {})),
    // Add other marketplace match arms here

To call the base_url() method, you need to match the enum again:

let base_url = match &scraper {
    ScraperInstance::Heroku(scraper) => scraper.base_url(),
    ScraperInstance::Shopify(scraper) => scraper.base_url(),
    // ScraperInstance::Vercel(scraper) => scraper.base_url(),
    // Add other scraper match arms here

This way, you reduce the boilerplate code by using a trait object to store different scraper implementations in the enum without the need to implement the Scraper trait for the enum itself.Your first solution is better, because I don't have to match each time I want to call a method on scraper. I would argue that your first example has less boilerplate code than your second solution. Do you agree?Yes, I agree with you. The first solution, where the Scraper trait is implemented for the ScraperInstance enum, allows you to call methods on the enum without having to match each time, thus making the code cleaner and more maintainable.

The second solution using trait objects requires matching every time you want to call a method on the scraper, which adds boilerplate and makes the code more difficult to maintain as you add more methods.

So, the first solution is indeed better in this case, as it reduces boilerplate and makes it easier to call methods on the ScraperInstance enum.If you started from scratch. Can you give me the best software architecture for Rust code that can do the following:

  1. The system can create a specific marketplace scraper and I can call a parse method
  2. The system supports N number of marketpalces, such as Shopify, Heroku, Wordpress, etc
  3. The parse logic will be different for Shopify than it is for Heroku
  4. The save_data logic will also be different for Shopify than it is for Heroku
  5. Parse returns a data type specific to that marketplace. That object is sent to a save_data function that accepts that specific type
  6. I want to minimize the amount of boilerplate code as I will have 100 different Marketplaces eventually

To create a flexible and maintainable Rust architecture for this system, you can use a combination of traits, trait objects, and enums. Here's a proposed architecture:

  1. Create a MarketplaceIntegration trait for shared functionality and a specific trait for each marketplace, implementing the MarketplaceIntegration trait.
pub trait MarketplaceIntegration {
    fn parse(&self) -> Self::Output;
    fn save_data(&self, data: Self::Output);
    type Output;

pub trait ShopifyIntegration: MarketplaceIntegration {}
pub trait HerokuIntegration: MarketplaceIntegration {}
// Add other marketplace integration traits here
  1. Implement the MarketplaceIntegration trait for each marketplace scraper:
pub struct ShopifyScraper;

impl ShopifyIntegration for ShopifyScraper {}

impl MarketplaceIntegration for ShopifyScraper {
    type Output = ShopifyData;

    fn parse(&self) -> Self::Output {
        // Parsing logic for Shopify

    fn save_data(&self, data: Self::Output) {
        // Save data logic for Shopify

pub struct HerokuScraper;

impl HerokuIntegration for HerokuScraper {}

impl MarketplaceIntegration for HerokuScraper {
    type Output = HerokuData;

    fn parse(&self) -> Self::Output {
        // Parsing logic for Heroku

    fn save_data(&self, data: Self::Output) {
        // Save data logic for Heroku

// Add other marketplace scraper implementations here
  1. Create an enum to store the different marketplace scraper instances as trait objects:
pub enum ScraperInstance {
    Shopify(Box<dyn ShopifyIntegration>),
    Heroku(Box<dyn HerokuIntegration>),
    // Add other scraper variants here
  1. Create scraper instances based on the selected marketplace:
let scraper = match cli.marketplace {
    Marketplace::Shopify => ScraperInstance::Shopify(Box::new(ShopifyScraper {})),
    Marketplace::Heroku => ScraperInstance::Heroku(Box::new(HerokuScraper {})),
    // Add other marketplace match arms here
  1. Create a macro to simplify calling the parse and save_data methods:
macro_rules! with_scraper {
    ($scraper:ident, $body:expr) => {
        match $scraper {
            ScraperInstance::Shopify(scraper) => {
                let scraper = &**scraper;
            ScraperInstance::Heroku(scraper) => {
                let scraper = &**scraper;
            // Add other scraper match arms here
  1. Use the macro to call the parse and save_data methods on the scraper:
with_scraper!(scraper, {
    let data = scraper.parse();

This architecture allows you to minimize the amount of boilerplate code while supporting an arbitrary number of marketplaces. Each marketplace's parsing and saving logic is encapsulated within its own implementation of the MarketplaceIntegration trait, which makes it easy to add new marketplaces and maintain the code.Going back to your earlier idea

pub enum ScraperInstance { Heroku(HerokuScraper), Shopify(ShopifyScraper), // Vercel(VercelScraper), // Add other scraper variants here }

impl<T: Integration> Scraper for ScraperInstance { fn base_url(&self) -> String { match self { ScraperInstance::Heroku(scraper) => scraper.base_url(), ScraperInstance::Shopify(scraper) => scraper.base_url(), // ScraperInstance::Vercel(scraper) => scraper.base_url(), // Add other scraper match arms here } } }

What does the definition of Integration look like?I apologize for any confusion in my previous examples. I should have provided a clearer definition for the Integration trait.

The Integration trait can be an empty trait that serves as a marker for different marketplace integrations. Each specific marketplace integration will implement this trait.

Here's the definition of the Integration trait and implementations for Heroku and Shopify:

pub trait Integration {}

pub struct HerokuIntegration;
impl Integration for HerokuIntegration {}

pub struct ShopifyIntegration;
impl Integration for ShopifyIntegration {}

// Add other integration types here

With these definitions, you can use the ScraperInstance enum and its implementation, as shown in the previous example. You would also need to modify the Scraper trait to include associated Integration type:

pub trait Scraper<T: Integration> {
    fn base_url(&self) -> String;

And then implement the Scraper trait for your specific scraper structs:

impl Scraper<HerokuIntegration> for HerokuScraper {
    fn base_url(&self) -> String {
        // ...

impl Scraper<ShopifyIntegration> for ShopifyScraper {
    fn base_url(&self) -> String {
        // ...

This way, the ScraperInstance enum can handle various scraper implementations associated with different marketplace integrations.MarketplaceData is not defined anywhereI apologize for any confusion caused. It appears that I misinterpreted your requirements in my previous examples. To better address your requirements, let's make some adjustments to the design.

First, let's define the MarketplaceData trait. This trait represents the data specific to each marketplace.

pub trait MarketplaceData {}

Then, create data structs for each marketplace and implement the MarketplaceData trait for them:

pub struct HerokuData;
impl MarketplaceData for HerokuData {}

pub struct ShopifyData;
impl MarketplaceData for ShopifyData {}

// Add other data structs for different marketplaces here

Next, adjust the MarketplaceIntegration trait to include an associated type for MarketplaceData. This way, you can enforce the return type of the parse method to be specific to each marketplace.

pub trait MarketplaceIntegration {
    type Data: MarketplaceData;

    fn parse(&self) -> Self::Data;
    fn save_data(&self, data: Self::Data);

Now, implement the MarketplaceIntegration trait for each marketplace scraper, specifying the associated Data type:

impl MarketplaceIntegration for ShopifyScraper {
    type Data = ShopifyData;

    fn parse(&self) -> Self::Data {
        // Parsing logic for Shopify

    fn save_data(&self, data: Self::Data) {
        // Save data logic for Shopify

impl MarketplaceIntegration for HerokuScraper {
    type Data = HerokuData;

    fn parse(&self

Scraper Implementation with Enum created at Tue Jan 20 1970 10:33:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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